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Thanos was a Titan warlord who led an army in his attempt to stabilize overpopulation, initating the Snap in 2018 and eliminating half of all life. He rose to power as the leader of the Chitauri, Sakaarans, and Outriders. Thanos was central to several genocides and he began the Infinity War.

Thanos was born on Titan, a planet that faced mass extinction. He proposed executing half of the planet's population, resulting in his exile. Under the belief that increasing populations would deplete the universe of resources, Thanos began amassing an army, including four adoptive children. Thanos garnered a homicidal and ruthless reputation as an intergalatic warlord. After leading several massacres that decimated populations, he began seeking out the Infinity Stones, six gems embodying aspects of existence. In 2012, he staged the Chitauri invasion of Earth, providing Loki with the Scepter and significant number of Chitauri forces to retrieve the Space Stone. His plan proved unsuccessful after Loki was defeated in the Battle of New York. In 2014, he began a search for the Power Stone and allied with Ronan the Accuser, but failed to obtain the stone after Ronan was defeated by the Guardians of the Galaxy.

By 2015, Thanos had ordered the dwarves on Nidavellir to construct a gauntlet capable of holding the Infinity Stones. He began an effort to obtain the Infinity Stones, beginning with the Power Stone from the Xandarians. Following the Xandarian massacre, Thanos was able to obtain the Space Stone from Loki after attacking the Statesman, the Reality Stone after attacking Knowhere, the Soul Stone after sacrificing his adopted daughter Gamora, the Time Stone after Doctor Strange gave him the stone following the Battle of Titan, and the Mind Stone after removing it from Vision's head following the Battle of Wakanda. After obtaining all six Infinity Stones, he executed the Snap, an event that utilized all six stones to eliminate half of all life. Following the Snap, Thanos went to the Garden, a farm on Planet 0259-S.

Three weeks after the Snap, the remaining Avengers went to the Garden. Thanos was killed by Thor in an act of vengeance. The effects of the Snap were undone by the Blip in 2023.

History[edit | edit source]

Main article: Thanos/History

References[edit | edit source]

Template:Black Order