Help:Interlanguage links

From the Tesseract Wiki, the wiki for all things Marvel Cinematic Universe
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Interlanguage links (also called interwiki links) are links from a page in one wiki language to an equivalent page in another language. This can also be used to link to other (external) wikis within page text (used extensively on help pages). These links can appear in three places:

  • As tabs at the top of the page (used to link between wp and md)
  • As links in the "Languages" section of the page's left sidebar (used to link between languages)
  • As inline links in the text of the article

These three types of links are created and handled differently.

Tabs at the top[edit source]

Tabs at the top are added by using the {{External}} template at the top of the page.

{{External|wp=Wikipedia page|md=Marvel Database page}}

If the page name on the other wiki is the same as on this wiki, use these as unnamed parameters:

  • To add a link to Wikipedia, use wp
  • To add a link to the Marvel Database, use md

If the page name on the other wiki is not the same as the page name on this wiki, use the above as named parameters, with the value being the correct name. These methods can be mixed. The order does not matter - the output order is always WP-MD.

The links are moved to the top using the Gadget-topIcons (js and css).

Links in the sidebar[edit source]

Links under the "Other languages" section in the left sidebar of the page are used to link to articles in different languages.

Links in page text[edit source]

Links within page text are created as any other internal link would be but use a (interwiki) prefix. A full list of these prefixes is available on the Special:Interwiki page. The general syntax is [[interwiki code:Title]].

Prefix Wiki Example
mw MediaWiki wiki [[mw:Manual:Interwiki|Interwiki manual]] Interwiki manual
wikipedia  Wikipedia [[wikipedia:Help:Interlanguage links|Interlanguage help on wikipedia]] Interlanguage help on wikipedia
wiktionary Wiktionary [[wiktionary:Movie|Movie definition]] Movie definition

See also[edit source]