Stephen Strange/History

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History[edit | edit source]

Early history[edit | edit source]

Stephen Strange was born in New York City. After the death of his sister Donna,[1] Strange sought out to become a doctor in an attempt to save lives.

Strange attended Columbia University and received an M.D. and Ph.D. at the same time, attributed to his photographic memory.[2]

Metro-General Hospital[edit | edit source]

After attending Columbia University, Strange began working on research regarding the formation of new nerve cells.

Strange eventually ended up working for the Metro-General Hospital as a surgeon by 2012; there, he developed a relationship with Christine Palmer. The two worked on a laminectomy procedure known as the "Strange-Palmer technique"; Strange later attempted to take full credit of the procedure.

Strange was among the people detected as a potential risk to Hydra as part of Zola's algorithm in 2014.[3]

By 2016, Strange was considered an esteemed neurosurgeon, being interviewed by WHiH World News and CNN.[4]

Undergoing surgery[edit | edit source]

On February 2, 2016, Strange was involved in numerous operations, including removing a bullet from a patient's brain.

That night, Strange was set to attend an American Neurological Association dinner. While driving, Strange received a phone call from Billy, who had detailed to Strange three potential surgeries. Deeming the first two as beneath him, Strange took a keen interest in the third, a schizophrenic struck by lightning. Strange averted his eyes to view the patient's X-ray, resulting in him hitting a truck. Strange lost control of the wheel and his car slid down the side of a mountain. A helicopter was immediately dispatched and Strange was flown to Metro-General Hospital.

Led by rival surgeon Nicodemus West and Palmer, Strange underwent surgery, resulting in Strange's hands becoming permanently disfigured. Strange sought various methods to attempt to regain the use of his hands, leading to Strange losing much of which he had.

Strange encountered a physical therapist, who told of Jonathan Pangborn, a man with a broken spine who was able to walk. Strange managed to track Pangborn down, who informed him of Kamar-Taj.

Refusing to heed Pangborn's comments about his arrogance, Strange traveled to Nepal in search of Kamar-Taj. There, Strange was jumped by three thugs looking for his watch. Karl Mordo, a student at Kamar-Taj, attempted to save Strange.

Becoming a Master of the Mystic Arts[edit | edit source]

Searching for a cure, Strange visited Kamar-Taj with Mordo. There, he met the Ancient One.

Notes[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. ^ Steve Weintraub. Scott Derrickson on What He Had to Do to Direct 'Doctor Strange'.**
  2. ^ Stephen Strange, "Doctor Strange (film)", Marvel Cinematic Universe. "I’ve got a photographic memory. It’s how I got my M.D. and Ph.D. at the same time."
  3. ^ Jasper Sitwell, "Captain America: The Winter Soldier", Marvel Cinematic Universe. "A TV anchor in Cairo, the Under Secretary of Defense, a high school Valedictorian in Iowa City, Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, anyone who's a threat to Hydra."
  4. ^ Christine Palmer, "Doctor Strange (film)", Marvel Cinematic Universe. "Yeah, you’re right. In the ER, you’re only saving lives. There’s no fame, there’s no CNN interviews."