
From the Tesseract Wiki, the wiki for all things Marvel Cinematic Universe
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This page in a nutshell:
Lying is unethical and hurts the project.

Honesty is expected in all processes of the Tesseract Wiki, including content discussion, the dispute process, and all other functions of the community. Editors are reminded that while you may expect an assumption of good faith, this is based on the counter-assumption of honesty in your actions.

Honesty in actions[edit source]

As an honest wikian:

  • Do not cite sources you know to be unreliable, or represent sources with a bias as being neutral.
    In cases involving articles with a very long list of citations, not all citations may be fully examined, and editors should not abuse this tendency.
  • Do not intentionally misrepresent your identity or credentials.
    The choice of anonymity and pseudonymity is part of Tesseract Wiki, but it is not a licence to fabricate real world credentials. It is strongly recommended that editors decline to share details they wish to keep secret rather than to invent alternatives. Fabrication of credentials will lose an editor credibility and damage the credibility of the project as a whole.
  • Do not say things you know to be untrue simply to support your argument.
  • Do not argue or act in favor of something you think is wrong.
    Disruptive point making is one of the most oft-cited and important real-world examples of this.
  • Do proffer all relevant information to a discussion, even when it might not support your argument.
    Withholding of information that contradicts other information, or filtering out data-points that do not match one's assumptions, is dishonesty by omission.

See also[edit source]

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This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at Wikipedia:Honesty, and authors are listed in the page history. The text of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0.