Tesseract:Featured images

From the Tesseract Wiki, the wiki for all things Marvel Cinematic Universe
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Featured images are images that add significantly to articles, either by illustrating article content particularly well, or being eye-catching to the point where users will want to read its accompanying article. Taking the adage that "a picture is worth a thousand words," the images featured on the Main Page should illustrate a wiki article in such a way as to add significantly to that article, according to the featured image criteria.

All currently featured images can be found in the featured images gallery.

Nominations[edit source]

Featuring images[edit source]

  • The image must be in compliance with the images and media policy.
  • An image may be nominated by any user, including the uploader. This also applies to nominations for replacement or delisting.
  • Nominators are not allowed to advertise their nominations, solicit comments, or trade nominations with each other, as this would be gaming the system.
  • Do not change the image while it is being voted on. Changing an image by uploading a new version of the image, or by changing to a different file of a similar subject can void all comments made before the change, and may lead to confusion.

Replacing images[edit source]

  • If you are nominating an image to be replaced, provide a picture of the original image and add a link to the previous nomination. A historical list of nominations is stored in the archives.
  • Obsolete images can be replaced with an updated version. Doing so will immediately delist the image. In order for the updated image to retain featured status, it must pass a replacement discussion.

Closing nominations[edit source]

  • When a nomination is closed, if successful, the following code should be added to the image's file page:
|subject=<article name>
|desc=<fimg description>

Current nominations for featuring[edit source]

There are no current nominations for featuring.

Current nominations for delisting[edit source]

There are no current nominations for delisting.

Nominations for replacement[edit source]

There are no current nominations for replacement.